
A few things we CAN control: nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, hydration & toxin load.

Things we CAN’T control: God, Mother Nature, What we don’t know!

Miscarriage is very common, with an estimated 1 in 4 pregnancies ending in miscarriage. This doesn’t make loss any easier, just know you are not alone. The most common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormality or genetic error.

During the 3-4 months before ovulation, an egg goes through a major transformation in size and starts producing much more energy. The egg is essentially genetically re-programmed (picking & choosing chromosomes) at this time. If something goes wrong during this time, there will be chromosomal abnormalities.

This does NOT mean that YOU did something wrong during this 3-4 months. The glass of wine or the donut that you had did not cause your miscarriage.

Supporting egg quality with diet & lifestyle can help reduce miscarriage, but it can’t prevent it. We can only do the best we can with the information we have. There is NO sense in blaming yourself for what you didn’t know before your loss. There is still so much we don’t know & so much that is out of our control.

This information is by no means meant to minimize any feelings of loss or longing to have met your baby, but to give you permission to take the blame off of yourself.

I had many requests for more information on recovering from a miscarriage & the science behind improving egg quality to help reduce the risk of miscarriage so I will be sharing more on this topic.

Please keep in mind that every woman and every couple is different & what works for the majority (as seen in well conducted research) does not mean it will surely work for you. I work 1:1 with clients to individualize the approach.


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