Foods That Support Implantation

If you are TTC, you have probably googled “what to eat during the two week wait” or “best foods for implantation” and found all sorts of suggestions. Implantation is an immune event, requiring a decrease in inflammatory response to be successful. This is why anti-inflammatory foods are often considered supportive of implantation.

Foods like pineapple core, pomegranate juice, and Brazil nuts are commonly thought to support implantation…..but what does the evidence show?

Pineapple has become the symbol of the fertility community. It has an enzyme called bromelain that is thought to support thickening of the endometrium (uterine lining) and improve blood flow to the uterus. There is actually zero scientific evidence that show pineapple actually supports implantation. BUT it doesn’t hurt to eat since it is full of nutrients like vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. Aim to eat it whole (rather than juiced) with the core since this is where the highest concentrations of bromelain is found.

Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants and nutrients like vitamin K that boost blood flow and have anti-inflammatory properties. Although there is no scientific evidence supporting implantation of an embryo, there is typically no harm in consuming pomegranate during the two week wait. Juice should be limited to 4 ounces per day. Topping meals with pomegranate seeds can boost consumption.

Brazil nuts are loaded with selenium with 1 nut containing your daily needs of 70-80 mcg. Selenium is necessary for proper thyroid function and functions similar to an antioxidants, protecting egg and sperm from oxidation and DNA damage. Again, there is no scientific evidence supporting Brazil nuts aiding in implantation but it is a healthy food and it doesn’t hurt to include it!

The truth is, you can make the biggest impact on implantation by focusing on nutrition throughout your entire cycle. Additionally, research shows that focusing on nutrition and lifestyle for a minimum of 3 months before conception improves chances of conception by over 80%!

You start building a lining called the endometrium during your follicular phase (right after your period until ovulation). The embryo (or blastocyst at this stage) will implant in the endometrium & receive all of its food to start growing right from this lining until the placenta is formed.

Nutrition during the follicular phase supports a healthy estrogen level, which allows the endometrium to grow smooth. Hormone fluctuations while the lining is forming can lead to a bumpy lining, making it more difficult for implantation to occur. Signs of a bumpy endometrium include periods that have a lot of clots or your BBT is really jumpy during the follicular phase.

Throughout your cycle, choosing foods to keep inflammation low, improve blood flow & support hormone balance will support implantation during the two week wait.

Foods that are rich in nutrients that support implantation:

  • Zinc for progesterone support: shellfish, nuts & seeds

  • Omega-3’s to decrease inflammation: fatty fish, avocado, olive oil

  • Cruciferous Veggies for fiber & estrogen balance: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage

  • Nitrates for improved blood flow: pomegranate, beets, garlic

  • Vitamin B6 for progesterone support: poultry, pork, potatoes

Taking time to focus on your health doesn’t only make you feel awesome, it improves pregnancy outcomes and sets your future baby up for lifelong health.


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