4 Tips for Women Over 35

Your fertility doesn’t magically start taking a nosedive the day we turn 35. You probably know this to some degree, but with such an emphasis put on TTC after 35, it’s easy to fall into the mindset that you have run out of time to have children as soon as you hit 35.

I’m not saying that age doesn’t impact fertility, because it does, the number of eggs we have decreases the older we get. BUT there is a difference between the number of the eggs we have and the QUALITY of those eggs.

The older we get, the harder we may have to work to support egg quality due to things like normal decline in natural antioxidant status (melatonin!) & let’s face it, the pesky symptoms we’ve been ignoring for the past decade have to be taken care of to optimize egg quality & reproductive environment.

Antioxidants are like little superheroes that protect our eggs from damage, like oxidative stress. When our superheroes are taking a break, chromosomal abnormalities (genetic errors) are more likely to occur. Chromosomes carry genetic information. These abnormalities have a big impact on egg quality, BUT they are modifiable!! We just have to figure out what “ingredients” are necessary to modify yours— things like nutrients, gut health & hormone balance are necessary for appropriate genetic programming.

Get this! Most chromosomal errors occur before ovulation as a result of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is increased from poor nutrition, gut health, suppressed immune system, inactivity, chronic stress, smoking, toxins etc. This is why there can be a big difference in egg quality in women of different ages.

Targeted nutrition & lifestyle changes during preconception (at least 3-4 months before conception) greatly improve egg quality & reduce genetic errors. Yes, it takes this long to see changes in egg quality……This time is SO valuable, as research shows that genetic errors cause more miscarriage than every other known cause of miscarriage combined! AND Egg quality & genetic errors can impair pregnancy from even happening in the first place. Not to mention your risk of pregnancy complications decrease with preconception care!! Take that geriatric pregnancy! (I despise this term BTW…but more on that later).

The good news is there is still A LOT you can do to support the quality of eggs & improve your chances of conceiving a healthy babe even after you turn 35.

Start here:

  • Boost antioxidant intake by eating a variety of fruits, veggies & healthy fats. Antioxidants protect eggs from oxidative stress, which increases as we get older. Supplements should be individualized!

  • Support your body’s detox organs by eating enough, including quality protein foods like eggs & fish and staying hydrated with water. Your liver & kidney’s will thank you!

  • Focus on quality sleep. Time to rest & repair is crucial for egg quality & fertility. Avoid screens before bed and aim for 7-9 hours of shut eye.

  • Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Exercise keeps inflammation down, supports hormone balance & keeps blood flowing.

If you are looking for individualized guidance, schedule a free consult by clicking here.


Unexplained Infertility

